Employee Performance Management Software : 9 Key Features

Employee performance management software can add a lot of value to an organization. Find out what are the necessary features to do so.

There are many employee performance management sotware solutions out there, however most of them are outdated and do not add value to the employee nor the employer. Having reviewed and used many employee performance management softwares, we have concluded that an EPM software should have at least the following features:

  • Allow goals and objectives to be linked to overall business strategy - This way employees would easily understand how their goals and objectives help the company grow.
  • Effective goal management - The software should be structured in a way that allows the employee and the manager to review, edit and add goals continuously through the performance cycle. Not just in the beginning or the end of the cycle.

benefits of a goal setting process

  • Feedback requests aligned to goals and objectives - Each feedback requested should be specific to an employee goal or objective. This way the feedback provider will be forced to be specific when providing feedback.
  • Data-driven feedback forms - A "datafied" feedback approach will enhance the objectivity of the feedback and reduce subjectivity. Something we found missing from every system we have used so far.
  • Anonymous feedback - The user should have the option to provide anonymous feedback to peers or managers. This will also enhance objectivity and address "elephants in the room" in terms of behaviour and attitude towards people.

Ongoing Employee Feedback for development

  • Learning curriculum linked to goals and objectives - This will help the employees to address skills they want to build with a direct correlation to goals and objectives. Clearly the business will also benefit as training is targeting performance.
  • Social media APIs - From LinkedIn to Facebook and Twitter, it is clear that social media play a significant role in our life. Bringing it to our workplace will definitely enhance performance.
  • Extensive analytics - Each piece of information collected should be analyzed in such way that will allow better decision making. Such reports can be employee comparison, employee SWOT analysis, balanced scorecard, historic performance analysis.
  • Talent growth focus - The purpose of the process other than enhancing performance should be to build on employee talents. This can be done by addressing employee potential in comparison to current performance.

    Employee Performance Management Software - 9 Key features of employee performance management software

If we inspired your curiousity find out more about benefits of perfromance management systems and why are they worth investing in.

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