Team Objectives

Set and track your team objectives to align colleagues to the team strategy.

Team Objectives


Creating concrete objectives for each team, business unit or department gives all team members a framework on which to build their own goals. Create inspiration for team members and accountability for achieving targets. By making all team objectives visible, you create transparency and opportunities for collaboration across all business functions.

The Team Objectives app includes the following:

  • Objective name and details - keep it short, specific and inspiring
  • Strategic themes to group your objectives together, such as Growth, People & Culture and Operational Excellence
  • Key metrics by which the success of the objective will be measured
  • A section for ongoing updates and progress reports

Team objectives should be owned and updated by each team lead. Employees can align their own goals to these objectives, and can provide their thoughts and updates to the team objective by using the Comments section of the app. This gives everyone a sense of ownership of the team's growth and transparency in what you're all working towards.


  • Cascade company objectives down through teams and departments
  • Align team members around an inspiring strategy
  • Track progress towards targets for each team

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