So you want to write an email asking for a one-on-one meeting? Let us help you out by providing a few draft emails. We’ve got some for whether you’re an employee wanting a meeting with your manager or vice versa.
With everyone working from home, it is now more crucial than ever to have a formal one on one process in place.
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What is a one on one meeting?
The employee manager one on one meeting is still an important feature in management, but communication nowadays tends to exist via text, phone, email and other messaging services. One on one meetings are a forum for communication from supervisor to employee, as well as from employee to supervisor. In today’s professional society there has been an organizational shift to ongoing performance management. This means managers and employees alike need to get better at these meetings.
Unfortunately, very few organizations give guidance on how to conduct (and improve on) these meetings. In this blog we’re going to offer a guide on how best to conduct one on ones from the perspective of manager and employee.
For managers one on one meetings serve a dual purpose. On the one hand, they are where you can ask strategic questions to gain insight. Additionally, they allow you to gain a rapport with your employees and show to them that they are valued, which is key to productivity. For employees they offer a platform to gain a better understanding of your manager’s expectations, air out any concerns or conflicts and get extra advice or coaching.

Email Templates for the Employee: Asking for a one on one
Example 1
To (Insert Name),
I was hoping it would be possible to schedule a meeting with you to discuss my current performance. Please let me know if this is possible and if so, a time that we could pencil in.
Kind regards,
(Your name)
Example 2
To (Insert Name),
Would it be possible to organise a meeting to discuss my performance and continuous development? Is there a time which work well for you within the next couple of weeks?
Please let me know,
(Your name)
Example 3
Hi (Insert Name),
Are you free at all in the next week? I was hoping that we could schedule in meeting to discuss a few things regarding my performance. Please get back to me with a time when you are available.
Many thanks,
(Your Name)
Email Templates for the Manager: Asking for a one on one
Example 1
To (Insert Name),
Just an email to inform you that we need to have a one on one meeting. Could we pencil in any of these times:
(Provide times)
I look forward to hearing back from you,
(Your Name)
Example 2
Hi (Insert Name),
It’s that time again! Time for us to have a one-on-one. Depending on your schedule in the next week, it would be great to fit this in in the next week.
(Your Name)
Example 3
(Insert Name),
We need to book in a one-on-one to discuss all things performance and development. Would you be able to do any of these times?
(Provide times)
Get back to me,
(Your Name)
Adopt and adapt these draft templates where you feel necessary!
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