15 Essential Exit Interview Questions to ask Departing Employees

Effective exit interview questions can give your organisation the insight to make the changes they need to make in order to progress. But what questions should you ask?

Exit interviews are significant in light of the fact that they offer a more profound understanding of your work environment, everyday procedures, management, and employee engagement. The motivation behind a exit interview is to evaluate the general employee experience inside your association and distinguish chances to improve morale and retention. Reducing employee turnover is a crucial target for all people teams, and the first step to get there is to understand why employees are choosing to leave and which of those factors you can control.

Having a concise procedure when conducting exit interviews is also vital to risk management. When employees' issues are tended to fairly and adequately inside the work environment, there is no requirement for outside examinations, litigation or negative PR.

When you have nailed your standard exit interview, they can provide a crucial platform to foster positive relationships and company culture. You may not know where to start with questions, so we've put together some of our favourites.

15 Essential Interview Questions

  1. What was the best aspect of your job?
  2. Why are you leaving?
  3. What could we have done better?
  4. Were you comfortable talking to your manager?
  5. Do you think you were adequately equipped to do your job well?
  6. What skills and qualifications do you think we need to look for in your replacement?
  7. How inclusive do you think your organisation is for employees of different backgrounds and perspectives?
  8. What could we have done differently to get employees like you to want to stay?
  9. Was training or assistance needed and offered?
  10. Was there a specific person or event that led to your resignation?
  11. Can we call you in the future to discuss your reason for leaving?
  12. Would you consider coming back in the future or recommending friends to work here?
  13. Do you think the company policies were adequate? If not, do you want to suggest changes to the company policy?
  14. How do you feel about the organisation?
  15. Is there anything else you’d like us to know about your time here?

Exit Interview Benefits

An effective EI process creates a needed mechanism for companies to systematically learn about and from what is their most important resource: their human capital. - Everett Spain, HBR

Why are Exit Interviews vital to developing your organisation?

Employees that are leaving are far more likely to be honest and open about the various aspects of your organisation which may have factored into their decision to leave.

  • An exit interview allows for an employee to provide constructive feedback and leave on a positive note.
  • It gives the chance to inquire as to whether there are any open issues of which you should know. This can help lessen hazard and distinguish matters that may require quick consideration.
  • You will get a real evaluation of your association's condition and culture.
  • The candid responses you receive will help you identify areas you can improve to raise your employee retention.
  • You will be able to identify any issues with management, and also developmental opportunities for up and coming employees.
  • It's cost effective and easy to facilitate using PeopleGoal.
  • An exit interview also gives you an opportunity to tie up any loose ends, and pass over any company assets.

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